At Dilemma Doc, we strive to ensure customer satisfaction with our products. Please read our refund policy carefully before making a purchase.
At this time, we do not offer refunds for opened products. Once a product has been opened, it is considered used and cannot be returned for a refund.
If you receive a damaged or defective product, please contact us within 5 days of receiving the item to arrange for a replacement or refund.
To be eligible for a refund or replacement due to damage or defect, you may be required to provide photographic evidence or return the item to us.
Dilemma Doc
25420 Kuykendall Drive
Suite B300 #1036
The Woodlands, TX 77375
Toll-Free: 855.678.8181
If you have any questions or concerns regarding our refund policy, please do not hesitate to contact us using the information provided above.
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